


About Telehealth

Caring for your little one takes a village, and Angel Kids Pediatrics is here to help. With telehealth, the practice makes it easy to meet with your kiddo’s provider, whether you’re at home or on vacation. Angel Kids Pediatrics, in Jacksonville, Amelia Island, and St. Johns, Florida, offers telehealth visits during normal business hours (and on evenings and weekends). Contact 904-224-KIDS (5437) to request a telemedicine appointment for your child or request an appointment online today. 

Telehealth Q & A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth uses modern technologies, like smartphones and web cameras, to exchange medical information over the internet. At Angel Kids Pediatrics, the primary care providers and clinical behavioral health team offer telemedicine to save parents time, money, and energy. 

Telehealth visits are available during traditional business hours as well as through extended hours. They’re a convenient way to ensure your child receives the care they need, exactly when they need it. 

What are the benefits of telehealth?

Telehealth offers various benefits compared to traditional in-office visits. All you need is a smartphone, a tablet, or a web camera and a working internet connection. If you have more than one child or care for an elderly family member, telemedicine saves you any hassle.

If your child has an autoimmune disease or another health problem that increases their risk of potentially severe complications, telemedicine protects their health. You don’t have to sit in a waiting room around other people who might be sick. 

What does a telehealth visit involve?

At Angel Kids Pediatrics, the team tailors telehealth consultations to each child’s needs.

First, your child’s pediatrician reviews their medical records and asks about the reason for your visit. Make sure to let your child’s provider know about any symptoms they’re experiencing, like a sore throat, runny nose, or a dry cough. 

Your child’s pediatrician might ask you to point your smartphone or web camera at a specific part of your child’s body. For example, if your child twisted their ankle while playing sports, their doctor might ask to look at the affected joint. They then use your video feed to check for bruising, swelling, or redness.

 Most acute illnesses and injuries can be diagnosed over telemedicine. Still, if your child’s pediatrician needs additional information, like blood work or urinalysis, they might ask you to visit the office in person.  

How do I prepare for a telehealth visit?

To get the most out of your child’s telemedicine visit, make sure to prepare in advance. The team at Angel Kids Pediatrics recommends:

  • Testing your camera and microphone beforehand
  • Testing your internet connection
  • Limiting background noise, like the TV or radio
  • Speaking in a normal voice
  • Writing down any questions or concerns you have
  • Having your child present with you

In addition, the team recommends having a pen and a piece of paper nearby. That way, you can take notes or jot down important information.

Contact 904-224-KIDS (5437) to request a telemedicine visit today, or click the online booking feature.